Exotac FREEKey Slim System Easy to Use Key Ring and Three Mini Key Rings

$11.95 $12.95
By Exotac
SKU: EXO02199

Need to attach keys to your keyring? Save your fingernails with the Exotac FreeKey SlimSystem, which allows you to quickly and easily attach keys to your keyring by simply pressing on the ring itself.

  • This brilliant and simple design eliminates the difficulty associated with attaching keys to a keyring
  • Simply press on the ring to open the FreeKey key ring
  • A strategically placed bump in one of the ring loops creates a pivot that allows the end of the ring to lift when pressed
  • Made from high grade stainless steel
  • The FreeKey System includes one FreeKey and three small accessory rings for organizing your keys
  • With the accessory rings, you can organize your keys into easy-to-identify groups that can be conveniently removed and returned to the master ring with just a press of the ring
  • No tools are needed
  • No broken nails or pinched fingers
  • Easy to use, with no prying
  • The FreeKey System is the keyring reinvented

Customer Reviews

Based on 95 reviews
manolo m.
Happy purchaser! Get it.

Works as advertised

Super T.
After 8 years, finally leaving a review

My keyring is on a lanyard, with 20 small keys, 5 big keys, a car key, and a few flash drives and keyfobs on smaller regular keyrings. After 8 years of daily use, this thing still looks and functions like it's brand new. I have never had a key come off when I didn't want it to, and I have never struggled to remove a key. It has not bent or deformed at all. I bought it on a whim and am so glad I did, it's not really something you think about until you actually have to remove a key and the anticipation of frustration hits you. With this keyring it's effortless, and you don't have to worry about damaging the ring itself. Every time I get to use it instead of a regular keyring my day gets 1% better. I would say for the peace of mind and time saved fussing with a regular keyring, this has paid for itself multiple times since purchase.

John C.
Used it since 2019!

This keyring is outstanding. It's easy and comfortable to use. Durable and simple. I will never go back to a standard keyring ever again.

Graigoree J.
Worse and better than regular rings.

This FreeKey system is okay. The thing that I personally didn't notice from the product page is exactly how large the rings are.
Let me preface this by saying I used this key set along with a KeySmart organizer, my car's fob, and a the KeySmart magnetic piece to quickly separate the fob and the key organizer.

So for the smaller rings in the set I have to say they are nicely built and pretty easy to open and move around as needed. I would recommend this set just for the little rings because they are so neat and useful.
HOWEVER, the large ring this set came with is actually awful. Writing this review about a week after buying these actually reminded me that I need to remove the big key from my fob and keys. The first issue I have is that as someone with a key organizer, I prefer to have the least amount of bulk in my pocket as possible for my keys. The large ring in this set is both twice as large as a normal keyring that you often obtain for free with any keychain or key, but it's also twice as thick.

Getting the large Freekey ring open is honestly super easy because it's so thick. One portion of the ring is bowed out so that you can squeeze it and open the ring to put keys in. But where this item fails is being so thick that after you fully place your keys and what-not into the ring you're left with so little space to move things that the keys and fobs will essentially be stationary with almost no room to actually move the objects along the ring. in my case I tried using the large ring with my car fob and the thickness would've been less of a problem if it was JUST the car key fob but why even have a ring at that point? But no the real issue is what I mentioned earlier in the review which is that the key ring is twice the size of a normal large ring, so it was protruding away from my key fob so much that it felt like I had actually lost 20% more pocket space that I gained from reducing the bulk using the smaller FreeKey rings.

TL:DR - If you're gonna buy this absolutely throw away the big ring or use it to store the keys and key rings you don't use anymore. But it's not useful for the actual keys you plan to carry with you in your pocket or purse.

Great key ring

I’ve been using this daily since 2016 and it’s held up very well over the 8 years. Very convenient and easy to add/remove keys.