Title Boxing Deluxe Gym Timer
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By Title Boxing
- *Timers are compatible with U.S. based, 115-volt outlets. For customers outside the U.S., an electrical converter must be used to ensure proper operation.
- An amazing audio and visual gym timer that is perfect for every size workout area
- Easily sets for 2 or 3 minute workout periods
- Rest period can be adjusted from 30 seconds or 1 minute time length with the flip of a switch
- Three way adjustable ring bell can be heard in any size gym
- Complete with 30 second end of round warning whistle
- The capped lighting system visually indicates where the round is at all times - green for workout, yellow for 30 seconds remaining and red for rest period
- Complete 1-year warranty
- Size: 11" L x 4" W x 8" H