Title Boxing 4.5" Advanced Double End Bag Bladder


Gain better hand speed with the best bounce in the business - Title Boxing's 4.5" Advanced Double End Bag Bladder. This high quality, long-lasting butyl rubber replacement bladder requires less replacements in the future and provides a faster, more responsive reaction. It features a more exact shape that contours perfectly to your double end bag. Finally, there's a bladder that can match your hand speed punch-for-punch!

  • Gain better hand speed with the best bounce in the business
  • High-quality butyl rubber replacement bladders are long-lasting and require less replacements
  • Provides a faster, more responsive reaction
  • Features a more exact shape that contours perfectly to your double end bag
  • Matches your hand speed punch-for-punch
Please Note: You MUST moisten the needle before inserting it in the bladder (Petroleum Jelly is best). This will help prevent small tears in the inflation valve and deflation of your bag.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Box L.
Great product so far

Great product so far